Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System! [BL]

Chapter 201 - 8.8

General Vega was walking around the training ground, checking out the mech that was at least eight feet tall with a dock in the chest for the pilot to control the mech. Each mech was built different and could only be used by at least S rank soldier.

His mech was named The Man Drill. It was called like that because the mech had a drill as its left hand and a sawblade as the right hand. It was a heavy mech that only General Vega could use because the drill and sawblade needed both extreme strength and precision to be fully controlled.

And nobody in the military had better precision than General Vega. 

General Vega tinkered with his mech when he got a report from his Lieutenant that the B- rank legion had been dispatched. The A-rank troops will follow soon, "Sir, based on the scout information, the Zergs swarm has two waves. The first wave will be a small wave of weak Zergs, but the second one might be too dangerous for our soldier without your help."

General Vega nodded and said, "I shall arrive there before the second wave starts. You can rest assured. Make sure to support the front line. I don\'t want to lose too many soldiers. They are also my precious comrades."

"Yes, sir!" the Lieutenant bowed and then left the General.

General Vega continued checking his mech until he heard the loud sound of another mech landing on the training ground. It was a blazing red mech with showy gold plated \'SSS\' on the shoulder. It had a thin and springy leg, so it would jump and kick agilely. And it also had hands that shaped like boxing gloves. 

Altair came out of the mech and approached the General, "General, good morning!" 

General Vega frowned as he saw the mech behind Altair. Altair noticed the General\'s line of sight, and he proudly said, "Hehe, that is the mech for my eighteenth birthday. I name it SSS Boxer. It fits me really well as a highly mobile mech that hits hard."

"I can see that," General Vega said, "But why are you here with that mech?" 

Altair blinked innocently and replied, "I want to join you to fight the Zergs, of course."

General Vega jolted, and his face looked displeased instantly, "You are just a green boy! You haven\'t even finished your training as a cadet! What a crazy idea in your head, thinking that you want to join the fight now! Zergs are dangerous. They are not your playground!"

  Altair\'s pride got hurt immediately. He just wanted to help the General and perhaps… to woo the General with his skill a bit. But facing such rejection and said that he was not adequate, as a proud alpha, Altair got angry.

"I can do it! You know that I\'m really strong!" Altair stubbornly insisted that he could be a great help for the General.

"No, you are not ready. I don\'t want you to get hurt if you join the battle now," General Vega said. 

"I\'m not a kid! I can take those Zergs by myself!" Altair took a step forward, closing his distance with General Vega, "General, you must trust me!"

General Vega was surprised by such advance that he instinctively pushed Altair back, "Go home! This is a good time for you to enjoy a family meeting with your family!"

"I want to go and fight the Zergs!" Altair kept on insisting. 

[Sigh, what a troublesome kid. Altair is so prideful that he refuses to listen to anyone when it touched his pride as a strong alpha.]

[Pupa: Well, now you have a stubborn kid latching on you, you have to do something.]

General Vega sighed, "Cadet Altair Roderick, this zergs fight will be very dangerous! As much as I trust in your ability, I don\'t want you to risk losing you. So as your General, I order you to return back home or stay here."

General Vega went inside his mech and turned on the mech, "I do not want to see you in Lebth Province, understand?" he said, but he left immediately with his mech, basically cutting any chance of negotiation between them.

Altair gritted his teeth as he saw General\'s mech going further and further. He looked at his mech \'SSS Boxer\' and smirked, "I\'m sorry, General, but I will have to disobey your order now."


General Vega arrived at Lebth Province\'s border and saw that the first wave of Zergs swarm had been cleared. There were many disgusting insects on the open field, either being crushed or burned. 

"General!" three Lieutenants under General Vega\'s order were standing with their mechs. They had joined the first wave swarm unscathed, though their mechs had been dirtied with insect green liquid, similar to slime.

"Is everything under control?" General Vega asked. 

"Yes, Sir! But we are not sure about the second wave! Because it might be too much for us to handle, but with you here, I\'m sure we can clear it without worry!" 

General Vega nodded, "How long until the second wave?"

One Lieutenant looked at his watch and replied, "In one hour, sir."

"Let\'s get prepared then," Yunyu said. 

According to the report, they lost five B-ranked soldiers on the battle and two A ranked soldiers. Although it was unfortunate, it was a tiny number considering this was Zergs yearly invasion. 

General Vega lined up the remaining soldiers and the Lieutenants with their mechs, "My fellow comrade, I know you are tired from the first wave of Zergs Swarm, but fear not, I guarantee our win because I will be joining the war! As your general, we shall fight together until our last stand! FOR HUMANITY!"

"FOR HUMANITY!" the soldiers shouted together.

[Ehe, I\'m so cool! Like, honestly, I have the urge to just dance around and do some stupid stuff whenever I\'m acting seriously.]

[Pupa: Please don\'t. You know the OOC alarm will ring if you do that.] 

As the soldiers were ready in their position to fight the Zergs. The ground started shaking, the sign that the second wave of Zergs Swarm was coming. 

General Vega was entirely focused, but once the swarm of Zergs started getting closer, he was shocked by the presence of a giant mantis in the middle of the Zergs. There were thousands of various sized Zergs, but that giant mantis was one of the most dangerous Zergs. 

Turned out, the first wave was just a bait for the big boss to appear. Because without the help of two SS+ mechs, there was no way they could win. This giant mantis was known to wreak havoc in the now-abandoned city, Abiorne. 

All soldiers were petrified, but General Vega focused his gaze and hollered, "DON\'T BE SCARED! FOCUS ON FIGHTING THE SMALLER ZERGS, I WILL FIGHT THAT GIANT MANTIS!"

[Pupa: Not going to lie, you look so brave right now.]

[Huh? What? I mean, prepare for the restart anytime. Because we are going to die, probably.]

[Pupa:… You always have a way to ruin my expectation.]

[Dude, that giant mantis can cut my body in one slash! Do you think I can win against that? Even two SS+ mechs might not be able to defeat it!]

[Pupa: Then, I will prepare for a restart once you got cut.]

[You black-bellied system!]

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