The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 85 - HEADACHE

"LORD Cassius, I had already deleted all the post online related to the young master," said the assistant from the other side of the virtual screen of Casey\'s Terminal.

"I see.  Good," Casey said.

He gazed down at his nephew who was now sleeping.  They were now travelling back to the Grimaldi mansion in his aircraft.  The bodyguards sent to protect his nephew were following them in a separate aircraft.  Really, those bodyguards were useless.  They couldn\'t even react on time when someone snatched Nikki under their noses.  He should report this to his brother.  At least he should give his nephew reliable guards.

He looked at the virtual screen in front of him.  He didn\'t expect that his assistant still hadn\'t hung up the call.  Then he noticed that the other looked like he wanted to say something more.

"Is there something else?" he asked.

"My lord, one of the teenagers who saved young master, he\'s currently trending on [Cyberspace].  Should I also remove all the topics related to him?"

Casey didn\'t need to ask which teenager his assistant was referring.  Between the two brothers who saved Nikki, the one who could cause such an uproar just by his appearance alone was the black-haired teenager.  He frowned a bit when he heard that the teenager was trending.

"The topic about him, does it include a video of what happened at the food section?" he asked.

"No, my lord.  It was simply a clip of him removing his hat and glasses."

Casey raised one of his brows.  He didn\'t expect that a simple clip could cause an uproar online.  But then again, the kid did look pretty eye-catching.

"It\'s fine.  You can leave it alone," he said.

Because he didn\'t manage to get the contact information of the two brothers, he asked his assistant to check their basic information.  That included the name of the two.  Astrid and Andreas Townsend. 

According to the information, the two just arrived here from Palioxis Galaxy.  They were about to study here at the capital.  The one named Reas was admitted at the Imperial Military Academy while Astrid was admitted at Redwood Academy of Performing Arts.

Of course, Casey didn\'t ask his assistant to dig more information than that.  Because that would be invading too much of their privacy.  He just asked for the very basic of information so he could pay them back for their life saving grace to his nephew.

Since Astrid was about to be admitted at Redwood Academy of Performing Arts, it meant that he was planning to be an actor.  Although he wasn\'t that familiar with the entertainment industry, he knew that one\'s success mostly depended on their popularity.  Having this kind of hype as early as now would help Astrid to be noticed.  So, being in the trending hot topic list wouldn\'t be bad for him. 

"But make sure that the trend will remain positive," he added. 

Because he knew how people could be jealous of the tiniest thing.  And Astrid\'s appearance was simply the target of envy.

"Understood, my lord."

The assistant wasn\'t surprised by his employer\'s decision.  After all, the teenager did help in saving the young master.  Helping him with the trend of the hot topic was not really much. 

Then the two ended their call.

Casey looked out of the window of the aircraft.  He once again remembered the Townsend brothers.  He couldn\'t understand why, but he liked the two brothers.  Not just because they saved Nikki, but simply because.  Which was weird since he wasn\'t really the type to easily have a good opinion on other people.  Maybe he was simply that shocked after almost losing his nephew that he automatically saw golden halos around the people who saved him.

Anyway, what he probably should worry now was impeding argument he would have with his brother because of what happened to Nikki.

Just thinking about it was already bringing him headache.


A certain casting director was already having a headache.  The movie crew he was in was having a problem.  There was a role that up until now hasn\'t been casted.  This role only had one scene.  That scene wouldn\'t even last five minutes.  But the appearance of this character was crucial to the whole plot of the movie.  They simply couldn\'t be deleted from the movie.

The problem was, the people who auditioned for this role didn\'t pass the scrutiny of their director.  They were nearing the start of the filming schedule and they still wasn\'t able to find the right person for the role.  So, the production team decided to started filming first while continuing to look for the person who could play it.

And now, almost all the important scenes had been filmed and yet they still hadn\'t found the right person.  Of course, there were many others he tried to cast on the role.  But Director Trevane refused all of them.  Saying that they didn\'t fit the image he had for that role.

If it was any other person, the casting director probably had already cursed them.  But this was Director Trevane.  The leading director when it came to epic fantasy films.  He had the capital to be picky. 

But because of that, the casting director was now having this huge headache.  Within this month, he should find the right person for that role.  Or else, they would be forced to simply synthesized an image for the role.  But it would definitely affect the quality of their movie.  Because nowadays, people simply didn\'t like synthetic actors. 

Besides, he doubted if Director Trevane would even acquiesce to that.  With how picky the other was, he probably would rather stop filming than having a synthetic actor play that part.  That last thing, the casting director definitely couldn\'t allow to happen.  Because if they did, then they would go beyond their movie\'s budget.  Every second they delayed the filming, they lose money. 

The casting director – Mark Rogers – let out a tired sigh.

He randomly swiped topics on [Cyberspace].  Suddenly, a topic caught his attention.  He clicked on it.  And once he saw the whole of it, he suddenly shot up from his seat.  His eyes turning brighter and brighter as he stared intently at a certain clip.

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