My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 66 - Rewards

Kevin then saw 3 purple flames the size of a human being appeared right in front of them and dead knights came out of them.

Axel asked him just to be sure : "Babe, did you manage to do what you wanted ?"

Kevin immediately responded with an ecstatic smile on his face : "The hell yeah ! It\'s okay we can kill these wizards, I can\'t wait to see what the dungeon boss has in store for us."

Axel nodded and used his full speed, he beheaded 8 dead knights along the way and left 7 for Kevin, then he overpowered the three wizards without killing them and waited for Kevin to finish killing the dead knights he had left for him.

Whenever he saw him fight he couldn\'t help but be blown away by his technique, it was perfect and it was as if he could always predict the movements of his opponents.

When Kevin had finished beheading his last dead knight, he sent the wizards to him one by one so that he could finish them off and thus gain a lot of experience points.

With this technique, not only did Kevin level up very quickly, but they also made more money, and last time they had even gotten a legendary grade box as a reward from the System.

When Kevin had finished killing the three wizards Axel said to him : "Before checking out the System rewards help me first to collect the magic bags that you will find inside the armor."

Kevin was looking at him with a startled expression so he explained to him : "It\'s true that I forgot to tell you that. As you may have noticed, dead knights do not have bodies, and once they are beheaded all that is left is their armor."

Kevin nodded, indeed there were only piles of stacked armor left, only wizards had bodies.

Axel continued : "There might not be one in every armor, but usually there is a magic bag on them, with gold coins, potions, weapons, sometimes I heard you can even find some rare magical herbs, it\'s worth to get them back.

The armors, the weapons and the bodies of the wizards can be sold to Tony."

Kevin simply replied : "Okay let\'s do that first."

After rummaging through the piles of armor from the 35 dead knights they had killed, they found only 28 magic bags.

And apart from the weapons, which were all low and medium grade swords that they decided to put aside to sell to Tony, they kept everything else.

After putting everything in one magic bag they checked all their finds and they were surprised to have won so much.

There was a total of 40 000 gold coins, 20 Healing potions medium grade, and 30 Energy potions medium grade, there wasn\'t any Spirit potion or magical herb but after all the dead knights were fighters not mages, so it was quite normal.

Axel then took care of the piles of armor, the weapons and the bodies of the monsters and he handed to Kevin the magic bag which contained the gold coins and the potions.

It had become their habit, Axel was taking care of everything that could be sold to Tony and Kevin kept the rest and he would eventually put them into his inventory when he would get some free time.

Axel then asked him curiously : "Babe, did you find a box ?"

Kevin who had already searched the room with his perception skill told him with a big smile : "Not one but two. A high grade box and a medium grade box."

Axel\'s eyes widened it was the first time they had found 2 boxes at once and he felt the excitement seize him.

Kevin who saw his eyes lighting up, took his hand and after having intertwined their fingers, he guided him to the first box which was the high grade one.

A black velvet cloth covered it and since it was in the corner of the room, where there was the most shadows, it could easily go unnoticed.

Axel removed the velvet cloth and below it the box was glowing in a bright purple color, Kevin couldn\'t help but thought that this dungeon was a little creepy with all this purple color.

First it was the torches that lit the way, after it was the smoke coming out from the armor of the dead knights, and now, same the boxe was purple. Damn, what a weird place !

Full of anticipation, Axel broke the lock and opened the high grade box, Kevin who caught his man\'s gaze immediately read him the information he had just received.


- 12 500 gold coins

- Darkness talisman paper small size × 10 : contains 2 000 particles of darkness inside.

- High grade ring : + 500 chakra, + 20 perception points, + 10% resistance to magic.

Kevin immediately gave the bloody red ring which looked very simple without any adornments to Axel and he took the 10 Darkness talisman papers for himself, he still didn\'t know how to use them but he would ask Alan about it later, it was such an incredible reward.

After putting the high grade box in his magic bag, he took Axel\'s hand again and led him to another dark corner of the room.

The box was once again hidden in the same way and when they removed the black velvet cloth, the box was also of purple color but it was smaller and didn\'t shine like the first one.


- 4 500 gold coins

- Medium grade breastplate : + 30 Strength points, + 30 Agility points, + 10% physical damage reduction.

Axel opened his eyes wide when he saw this and he said very enthusiastically : "Babe, this one is perfect for you, try it to see if it hide your mark on your chest."

Kevin was eager to try it too, it was so annoying to bandage his chest to hide this mark.

So, after removing his sweater, t-shirt and the bandage, he tried on the breastplate which adjusted perfectly to his size.

Axel said appreciatively : "Great, you should always keep it with you now, not only does it have great Stats but it hides your mark completely, problem solved."

Kevin nodded and said relieved : "Yeah, he\'s really great, I don\'t feel like I\'m wearing anything on me, no wonder it has 30 Agility points, it doesn\'t restrict any of my mouvements."

Kevin got dressed and as he was putting the box ins his magic bag Axel asked him : "What did the System give you ?"

Kevin was also very curious about it, and what he mostly wanted to know was how many levels he had gained.

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